Is eSports Healthy Or Unhealthy ?
It may come as a surprise to many, especially to those who still dismiss professional gaming as a sport, that its athletes suffer from injuries and face health risks the same way athletes of any other sport do. Despite the lack of physical contact or what some consider to be athletic activity, gaming for hours on end takes a toll on the body and mind.
Being a relatively new sport, most doctors and medical professionals working with these athletes are still studying the potential health problems of esports. They believe that long-term problems have only begun manifesting themselves on more seasoned players; but due to esports’ immense popularity more and more cases of concern come to public attention.
Professional playing eSports have to take serious note about their physical as well as mental health , so many coaches have started to give physical training to their players making them join gym centres and train there.The training as basically a normal one like cardio , bench press , dead lifting etc .These exercises are done by professionals as they have to practice as well as play the competitive for hours so the the stress on their hands and their spine is quite huge so to overcome those health issues they do this training.
In addition to that the most important thing is to provide them mental training as playing for hours and hours might have drained them mentally as there is too much mental stress and as an professional you have to deal with it professionally and overcome these issues.Moreover healthy food plays a significant role in health so these professionals are made to have a healthy food diet.In any sport these issues are faced by professionals sometimes even worse but the only magic to the success is to fall down on your knees and still be able to get up with a smile on your face.
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