Wednesday 11 March 2020

Who Is An Entrepreneur?

According to Wikipedia, an entrepreneur is an individual who organizes or operates a business or businesses. But If you ask me who an entrepreneur is my answer would be that an entrepreneur is a person who sets up business or businesses, identifies and solves problems, creative, innovative, opportunist, risk-taker, self-starter and open-minded with the hope of making a profit from the enterprise.It is derived from a french word “entreprendre” which simply means to undertake.No one is born as an entrepreneur, to become an entrepreneur one has to work really hard not only in setting up his enterprise but he has to work on some other aspects as well like on developing new skills every year , developing his personality from time to time , take risks , time management , work on his communication skills and much more ,so for one to become an entrepreneur he has to work really hard.
An entrepreneur must posses skills like he should be an good decision maker its very important to be a good decision maker in this very field as one has to take many crucial decisions along the way and many decisions are snap decisions and should be executed effectively.

He should be a good planner knowing how and when his and his company’s goals are met. A business plan takes into consideration short- and long-term corporate strategies. The basic steps in the planning process involve creating a road map that outlines each task the one must accomplish to meet its overall objectives.

Apart from this, the entrepreneur needs to have excellent organizational and people management skills as he or she has to build the organization or the venture from scratch and has to bond with his or her employees as well as vibe well with the other stakeholders to ensure success of the venture.

Further, the entrepreneur needs to be a leader who can inspire his or her employees as well as be a visionary and a person with a sense of mission as it is important that the entrepreneur motivates and drives the venture. This means that leadership, values, team building skills, and managerial abilities are the key skills and attributes that an entrepreneur needs to have.

How To Become An Entrepreneur?

How To Become An Entrepreneur?

Who is an entrepreneur? Being an entrepreneur is a high-risk, high-reward position. It’s full of stressful situations, sure, but it’s also chock full of rewards and a sense of accomplishment. It’s not as hard as it seems — as long as you have some diligence, patience, and, of course, a good idea, you’ll be your own boss sooner than you think!

So if u want to become an entrepreneur firstly you have to ask yourself some questions yourself like why do you want to become an entrepreneur? What is it that’s wanting you to become an entrepreneur? Is it money, fame, passion or something like that? Are you willing to sacrifice for it? Are you willing to work extremely hard? Can you work 80 hours a week to outwork your competitors? Are you a good speaker and listener? Do you have the skills needed? Are you a responsible person? a good decision maker? good planner? ca you accept uncertainty and even failure? Do you thrive on problem-solving and creative solutions? and so on.

Basic Idea

Once you get the answers to these questions then you will be able to know how hard it’s going to be for you to become an entrepreneur, as being an entrepreneur is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Once you are done with that Q&A and you feel you lack those qualities, well that’s not an issue where no one is born as an entrepreneur and leader anyone who is successful today has started from the scratch like an old saying goes “Every Master Was Once An Amateur .“So you don’t need to worry about that just worry about how can you acquire those qualities in you and definitely you can do it you just have to work harder than others and you surely succeed in becoming an entrepreneur. As there is a popular saying “Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard.

Be honest with yourself as you consider your strengths and weaknesses. When you talk to potential investors or sell to clients, you will need to have a very clear idea of what your strengths are so you can communicate them to others. Energy and determination will get you through many of the hurdles you will face as a beginning entrepreneur. Be idealistic enough to believe in yourself, but pragmatic enough to examine the realities of your situation.

Idea Generation

Then comes another important aspect of this field that is the Idea Generation. Your idea can be anything providing service, manufacturing something, a product that would make life easier, or something that combines both. What you need to make your idea a successful one is Creativity and Innovation this is the recipe to what will set your idea apart from those of your competitors.If you follow your heart and generate an idea from something you are good at and love doing it your chances of being successful are very high as we put the maximum amount of energy and effort into things that we love to do same is the thing we need to do here as well just love what you are doing.

If you’re having trouble thinking of an idea, create a list of things about your target market, such as places they shop and things they purchase and make a list of things where you feel you can provide better services and products at reasonable prices than your competitors.

Ask for honest feedback when you talk to potential customers. Your friends may try to be nice to you when you propose your idea, but critical feedback that points out weaknesses or problems will be much more useful, even if it isn’t always easy to hear.

Risk And Reward

Entrepreneurship is always a game of risk and reward, but often the risk is greater. Take stock of all your assets and figure out how much money you actually have to invest. In addition to considering your savings, credit, and other sources of capital, consider how long you can afford to go without making a profit. Small businesses are rarely profitable immediately, can you afford to not draw a salary for perhaps several months or even a few years?

Acceptable loss

Understand Acceptable Loss, According to ‘’Forbes’’, “acceptable loss” is the idea that you should first determine the possible downside of your business venture and then invest only what you can actually afford to lose should your business turn out differently than you’d hoped. This limits the scale of failure if your venture doesn’t work out.

So knowing the risks of the new venture you would be able to know how big the loss or profit could be and accordingly choose your type of business you can afford to have that much of loss.

We know entrepreneurship is all about risk-taking and there are three types of risk-takers High Risk-takers, Moderate Risk takers and Low-Risk takers, so try be somewhere around Moderate risk-takers at the beginning that will surely benefit you.


These are the basic things you need to make sure that you excel in as every famous entrepreneur be him, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, Jack MA, etc.started from scratch and outworking their competitors had patience and belief what they did and most importantly learned from their failures so try to learn from them.

Best Of Luck!

eSports As A Carrer In 2020

eSports joins the 2022 Asian Games as a medal event.

The craze of eSports gaming is growing as every single day passes and the support for this sport is also growing day by day.Every person be him a student of school or college or university is trying to make a career in this sport and working hard to master the skills required to reach at the competitive level and be the best in the business.Like any other sport the competition in this sport is very high and still gamers are trying to make a career  in this field because they know the scope in this sport is very vast in coming years.
Moreover there are many platforms where one can showcase his / her skills like if we talk about Youtube ,Instagram ,Facebook ,etc and gain a huge audience there and also make some money there.In addition to that people trying to come this field have many more platforms to showcase their skills , they can stream live while they play games on the platforms like twitch , youtube , discord etc and gain followers and also become famous and start making money.
Now if we talk about a country gaming stereotype’s like India where an ordinary sports like cricket , football ,tennis etc are played hugely and has the immense amount of support of people it was a bit difficult for a sport like eSports to get accepted and in its early phase the same happened people were not ready to accept or try to make a full time career in this sport as some lacked the knowledge of having career in this field and the ones who had the knowledge about this field didn’t got the support from their family members as it was seen as a major time waster and an unhealthy activity for youngsters but from the last couple of years people have started to realise this as a sport.
The reason being the social awareness which the people got from the internet from last few years and also parents started to see the future in this very field as gamers who are growing in gaming in fields like youtube , facebook , twitch , discord etc are becoming famous as every day passes and have started to make money at such an early age and these results are seen by parents of India and are starting to support their children in this very field.


PUBG changed the vision of Indian people the day pubg was released in India it took the whole nation with a storm every single person in india started to play this game and many people saw their career in this area started to invest their time in this field and went dedicated to make a full time career in field . 
These people who started as an amateurs have become the professional players and made a full time career in this field and are being recognised in the whole nation , they have travelled many foreign countries to participate in the competitive leagues against other nations gaining a huge exposure in gaming world.People are watching them as their idols now and have started to follow their path in the dream of becoming a professional gamer one day.

Is eSports Healthy Or Unhealthy ?

Is eSports Healthy Or Unhealthy ?

It may come as a surprise to many, especially to those who still dismiss professional gaming as a sport, that its athletes suffer from injuries and face health risks the same way athletes of any other sport do. Despite the lack of physical contact or what some consider to be athletic activity, gaming for hours on end takes a toll on the body and mind.

Being a relatively new sport, most doctors and medical professionals working with these athletes are still studying the potential health problems of esports. They believe that long-term problems have only begun manifesting themselves on more seasoned players; but due to esports’ immense popularity more and more cases of concern come to public attention.

Professional playing eSports have to take serious note about their physical as well as mental health , so many coaches have started to give physical training to their players making them join gym centres and train there.The training as basically a normal one like cardio , bench press , dead lifting etc .These exercises are done by professionals as they have to practice as well as play the competitive for hours so the the stress on their hands and their spine is quite huge so to overcome those health issues they do this training.

In addition to that the most important thing is to provide them mental training as playing for hours and hours might have drained them mentally as there is too much mental stress and as an professional you have to deal with it professionally and overcome these issues.Moreover healthy food plays a significant role in health so these professionals are made to have a healthy food diet.In any sport these issues are faced by professionals sometimes even worse but the only magic to the success is to fall down on your knees and still be able to get up with a smile on your face.


The Biggest Sport You Have Probably Never Heard Of…

THE PEOPLE ARE HERE. An explosive trend of millions of fans around the world watching people play video games. 71 Million the number of people who watch competitive video gaming as a spectator sport.

eSports has become so popular, that even the International Olympic Committee is trying to understand it better. The IOC and the Global Association of International Sports Federations are jointly hosting an eSports Forum at the Olympic Museum in France.“The aim of the Forum is to explore synergies, build joint understanding and set a platform for future engagement between the esports and gaming industries and the Olympic Movement,” they say. The IOC isn’t the only organization taking eSports seriously.
The US government has recognized full-time League of Legends players as professional athletes.
But detractors scoff at the idea of calling gaming a real sport. After all, gamers sit still in a chair for hours on end showing only agility and dexterity in their hands, they argue. But those who play eSports would counter-argue that it takes a great deal of skill and strategy to win games. They also point out that they practice for hours a day just like any other sports player, and that physical exertion isn’t the marker of sport. Darts players and snooker players don’t have to move much either. It may be a moot point. An industry that is projected to make $1.4 billion by 2020 is unlikely to require the approval of naysayers.
Do esports belong in high school? In a rapidly growing number of high schools, gamers are the new jocks. School districts are scrambling to approve esports clubs and competitive teams. Breathless articles—sometimes written by tech industry representation—tout how popular esports has become among Gen Z, how esports drives STEM education, and how much money can be made from a career in esports.


Esports | Fnatic
Esports| Fnatic
Embracing esports has also brought predictable consternation. For instance, opposition politicians in Canada have tried to score political points against the government by claiming that this sport’s programs in high school may promote cyber-dependence. Others argue that they don’t know if esports should be considered a sport. As Illinois, high school esports coach Amy Whitlock noted, “People do not view esports as a legitimate sport and say it’s not a productive activity.”

These reductive arguments are short-sighted and betray a fundamental misunderstanding of the potential risks and benefits of esports in schools. Esports is neither cure-all nor curse for engaging students. Like any activity, the devil is in the execution. How this sport is implemented in schools by politicians and administrators will have an impact on whether our youth get the best version—one that is healthy, safe, and balanced.

Leveraging esports responsibly in schools depends on properly defining “esports.” Politicians, educators, and parents alike should recognize that this sport isn’t just about video gaming. Esports is the recognition of video gaming as a source of competitive play within a structured group environment. Contrary to outdated stereotypes about video gamers being unhealthy, solitary, and slovenly young people, this sport has largely become about bringing a healthy, social, and structured form of team play to the video games industry.

Professional esports organizations like Gen.G are investing big money into upscale training facilities that allow for the necessary development of positive group dynamics in an environment complete with wellness professionals such as nutritionists, personal trainers, and physical therapists. By embracing esports, schools can capitalize upon its organic growth and draw students away from uninteractive, sedentary avenues of entertainment towards an activity that can instill common values and principles.

Among those values is that physical and mental activity and wellness are key to the quality of this sport. Just like any competitive pursuit, esports organizations have found that taking health and wellness seriously helps athletes be more competitive and lengthen their careers by mitigating against injuries and mental exhaustion. Increasingly, they are using the same strategies as traditional sports: gym training, preventive measures to prevent repetitive injuries, limiting training hours to fight against mental fatigue, and focusing on proper diet and sleep. Further, you can read on other blog eSports healthy or unhealthy?

Players Unknown Battle Ground one of the latest games at present in eSports and it has took the world with storm as every single human being be it a child-adult teenager or even old aged everyone is hooked to this game and its wonderful to see children are trying their best to make their careers in this field and many have already achieved this feat. In addition to that parents are supporting and allowing their children to pursue their careers in this very field.

Politicians and educators should take a page out of this professional playbook. Instead of merely building esports facilities and enabling on-screen practice, equal emphasis should be placed on promoting general health and wellness. A holistic approach to this sport would also help monitor and mitigate against the real danger of gaming addiction. Even the most ardent esports advocates acknowledge that video gaming may be addictive in nature. The World Health Org and American Psychiatric Association recognize “gaming disorder” and “internet gaming” disorder respectively as a potential source of what the APA deems “significant impairment or distress” with additional research necessary to judge its incidence and prevalence rates among the population.

Unlike the largely unsupported claims by out-of-touch Republican and Democrat politicians alike that video games have deleterious effects on mental health, current concerns about the link between gaming and addictiveness have largely arisen through responsible scientific research.

So, at last, it is surely the future of all sports and people should try coming to this sport and also make this their career as it has a great future in the coming years.

Who Is An Entrepreneur?

According to Wikipedia, an entrepreneur is an individual who organizes or operates a business or businesses. But If you ask me who an entr...